Jim Corbett National Park is 05 hrs drive from Delhi & 06 hrs drive from Agra. Besides this connected by overnight trains from different cities of India like Jaipur, Ranthambhore & Agra. This is amongst few national parks which offer with night stay facilities inside core areas of the park. Most parks offer day visit safaris in two shifts morning & afternoon. Few of them have Full day Jim Corbett safari options as well.
The night stay options in Jim Corbett attract wild lifers, and nature lovers up to a great extent. Its has become a lifetime dream to stay inside core areas like Dhikala, Bijrani, and Jhirna campuses. But due to limited inventory, it is not possible to get permits confirmed for everyone in desired dates. You can stay a maximum for 03 nights in one campus.
Approximately 30 rooms are there altogether for tourists. However, there are few campuses that are booked manually. These are quite in remote areas of the park. These types of places are good for birding people.
Now the question arises, what will you do if night stay permits are not confirmed in your chosen dates?
You can visit Dhikala zone by jeep only if you have night stay permit. The First option is Canter (16 seater open bus). The main issue by Canter while doing Dhikala is that this safari is 06 hrs long. The main grasslands of Dhikala are 35 km from the main gate. This takes almost 01;30 hrs to reach there & to return. So 03 hours are lost while traveling to the Grasslands which is the place of most actions.
Roughly 02 hours are left for exploring the region. If you want to just see the area then it is fine. The Second option to do Jim Corbett National Park is to stay in any hotel outside the park & take day visits safaris. This is mostly done by tourists & which good up to some extent. By day visit safaris you do Bijrani & Jhirna areas safaris very comfortably & both are very good zones from Tiger sightings point of view. So while planning for Jim Corbett one should plan preciously. And always keep other parks in the back if booking for night stay fails & you do not want to stay outside & don’t want miss Dhikala zone by jeep safari. There are many backup parks in Central India which will save your time. And you can keep Jim Corbett night stay attempt for next time.

Dhikala zone is open from 15 Nov to 15 June every year. The booking opens for a period of one month only 45 days prior to the visit dates. For example for the period of 15 Nov to 15 Dec, it will open around the last week of September or the first week of October.
The same pattern is followed for day visits safaris which is good in one sense and provide to book a day visit safaris at least if night stay booking fails.
So to plan for Jim Corbett one should start at least 03 months in advance. This is a huge park & all types of hotels are scattered around all gates. Only Day safaris are allowed in Corbett National Park. No night safaris are allowed here.
Jim Corbett Safari Packages with Prices
Get the best price per person for Jim Corbett safari packages that include accommodation and meals.
2 Pax Private Jeep Safari 4 Pax Private Jeep Safari Jim Corbett Photography Package