Tadoba National Park is doing good from tiger sightings point of view. Last five months data collected from various park suggest that Tadoba national park is giving better results as compared to other parks like Ranthambore, Kanha & Bandhavgarh.

Thus, Tadoba National Park will be in high demand in coming days. The nearest airport is Nagpur, 170 kms away. This could be the best park for tiger photography this summer.

Reasons for Good sightings. The female tigers of Tadoba, are with cubs which are well grown. They have passed their critical phase of life of survival. One of the leading tigress of this park is Maya.

Maya memsahab and her cubs are doing well. Very often they give good sightings. There are four gates/zones in Tadoba national Park. There are tigers in every area which is a good sign. The abundance of water makes it good habitat of Tigers.

Ranthambore on other side:

In Ranthambore the situation is different. Here,if we consider about prime zones.i.e 01 to 05 cubs are very small. So their mothers are precaution for their upbringing.The first three months are very critical. She has to work hard to protect them from every danger. Thus, in Ranthambore one has to wait more to see tigress with cubs.

In Ranthambore’s zone 06 did well this year till now. The reason being very clear is the fully grown cubs of T08 .Surprisingly, the highest tiger sighting zone for this season.

The other zone which is picking up for last two months in Ranthambore is zone 10. Here one tigress with a cub is doing great. T42 fateh in zone 10 has delighted many tourists with his slow moments styles. I remember two years back,during Christmas weekend when sightings in zone 01 to 05 dumped due to fog & low temperature. It was only Fateh tiger who gave maximum sightings for the guests.

It was that time when jeeps booked in primes zones of Ranthambore were forced to change to zone 10.

T34, the kumbha’s social attitude living with his family increases sightings.His socialism has gone ahead. He shares kill with T08 cubs & drink water with them. In deed he is a good father.

Kanha National Park:

Kanha’s over all impression regarding sightings is very good as compared to last years. In part should be kept in mind that Kanha is lush green park, with vast forest area . But still then very well in sightings this year.

Bandhavgarh National Park:

Bandhavgarh’s only Tala zone is doing good. Magadhi Zone started doing do from last this month. The loss of one tigress in early months has put back Magadhi zone but last week reports signals good.

Good news is this that tourists will have additional park for different tiger photography in coming days. Plan early & save a lot. As there are limited no of vehicles in any park ,early planning helps a lot in getting better services.

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